Its the bookbag my BFF used to have. LOL

lmao its the snowman kristina made
It seems I am needed to open a bottle of soda.....;)
Well yea thats basically it....i love you man....your like the brother I never had. I remember the one and only time I went to your house....it was the first and last i went to your house ='(. I also slept over there....it was awesome. I had the best days of my life with you (and josh), I mean, THE BEST DAYS OF MY LIFEE!!!! You have the coolest peoples man! Those were the good old days =). It all happened, I'd say, around 2005-2006. I haven't seen you since =''''''''''''''''(.
I remember everything that happened when I went to your house. It was mostly accidental that I went there, hehehe. Before all this we went crabbing together, but we screwed the crabs and i went with you, jason, and joshua to the playground. We ran like naruto ninjas on our way there =). But then you said how we shouldnt cause it would waste our energy and we wouldnt be able to play at the playground (lol). We got there, and I was suprised that there was sand on the ground. Anyways, we started playin tag, and it was really fun chasing everyone everywhere. We ran up stairs, rope thingys (i think), slid down slides, and up poles(hehe). When you were at the top platform, I climbed up the pole. You were suprised that I could climb a pole and then I almost tagged you---missing by about a couple inches. We went on the swings, and you and joshua swung and flew foward very far. I was kinda scared to do it at first; I never did that before. But then I tried it, and it was pretty fun. I didn't go very far though =P. Then outta nowhere, jason was starting peeing in the sand...it was cool =D. After we all got tired, we stopped and went to the pier area. (Just to note, Jason and I took awhile finding our slippers.) Everyone was just chillin, and joshua and jason were pushing mandy into the water. Then they started talking about if you fell over that joshua would save you, etc. Then Jason whispered into Joshua's ear, "Hippos eat fat apples for dinner" or something around that orientation.
We had to go home after that, but my parents were too far away for me to go there. I had to go with your parents to your house(YAY). As I was in the car with your parents, I was sitting there with wonder and blank-mindedness. We all started singing "The Cheeseburger Song" by Veggie Tales. It was so retarded(and therefore fun!). I didnt know the song though, so I listened to the retardedness. After that was done, Joshua revealed his theory that my mom and auntie diana were cousins. Mandy proved him wrong. The car so so cramped inside, but it was cool. As we approached your house, you started listening to "In the End", and me and jason sang along. It sounded so weird for three Indian guys to be singing it. Finally, we arrived.
We all entered your house. I examined the area, while your mom fed us some cook-up. IT WAS THE BEST COOK-UP I EVER ATE!!! (It tasted normal---cook-up usually tastes horrible). I afterwards, played super smash bros. I OWNEDDD YOU!! You were Captain Falcon I think, and I think i was Samus. Then you used a super hammer item and hit me in the balls. I paused at just the right moment. Nice view =). In the middle of the game, Nanny served us some honey bunches of oats. They were so tasty!!!! It was the best cereal I ever ate. Yea...well anyways I think afterwards we went to bed. P.S. I also left my blistex over there lol
BEDTIME WAS AWESOME!!! We barely slept and everyone was talking until like 6 in the morning =). You and jason were on the floor (luckyy) and me, joshua, mandy, and sarah were on the bed. It was kinda cramped.... but whatever. I cant quite remember what everyone talked about, but excess was involved ;). It was extremely fun talking with everyone. Sarah hit me with her pillow...multiple times...and she hits hardd!!!! ='(. Yea well, sooner or later morning had to approach.
There was no toothpaste....so we used mouth wash. I think i ate some cereal...and jason made some jokes about serial killers (cereal = serial). We were assassins! =). Later on that day, you watched naruto and joshua listened to music and jason watched naruto with you. You also kept listening to in the end by lp. ((Everytime i hear that song i think of you.)) Then I walked around your house and went in circles, and then i found your parents room. We watched "The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy". It was ok.
Well anyways, in the afternoon we played a retarded verison of football and then i discovered the HUGE backyard you had. I thought you guys were rich for a second because of your boat and your computers and your backyard and stuff. Hehe, i guess your not =P. Anyways, I sucked at football. I never played it before...so yea. I accidentaly hit joshua in the head with the football a couple times. Then he squeezed my head. Mandy started playing, and she just HAPPENED to be a more experienced player. I sat down, and then sarah started talkin to me about this girl thats shes "friends with" but not really "friends with". ..... ..................Yes. Then i did some handstands, and you tried to do it....but you failed...haha >=). It was nice doing it cause the grass was dry and dead. I found out you had glasses afterwards, and we tried to burn a piece of cardboard with it. If only i were smarter back then, i woulda known that concave lens only spread out light rays =(. But your parents were lenient though, all they said was "dont burn the house down". LOL, you have cool parents man =D.
I think i had to leave after that. I REALLYY didnt want to go. It was the most fun and awesomest days of my whole life, and I really mean that. You guys are the cooliest. It was really awesome being with you......='''(. It just sucks so much because I've never seen you since. That was about three years ago. Its total bullsh*t. I really miss you a lot....it makes so glad that we have things like AIM and the cell phone so that we can still talk <=). I love you man...i love you to death. I reallyyyy hope that we will see each other some time in the future. I cant begin to describe how happy that would make me. Well yea...God knows whats gonna happen.